AP Certified Testing
Heavy Duty Adjustable Hydrant Wrench Pin Lug
Heavy Duty Adjustable Hydrant Wrench Pin Lug
This solid and rugged hydrant wrench is designed for strength and durability in harsh applications. The adjustable hydrant wrench with pin lug features a heavy-duty 1" chrome steel handle. It handles up to 1-7/8" pentagon heads and 1 1/4"square heads. It also fits 3/4" to 6" rocker and pin lugs.
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5 Star Diffuser Hitch & Hose
- Fiberglass Hydrant Marker - Side Mount
- Fire Hydrant Disc
- Fiberglass Hydrant Marker - Top Mount
Associated Products:
5 Star Diffuser Hitch & Hose
- Fiberglass Hydrant Marker - Side Mount
- Fire Hydrant Disc
- Fiberglass Hydrant Marker - Top Mount