AP Certified Testing
Hydrant Ratchet Wrench 20" (1-1/2" Pentagon)
Hydrant Ratchet Wrench 20" (1-1/2" Pentagon)
Saves time opening and closing valves. Single-handle wrenches requires only a 22-1/2" swing. Sockets have a 9/16" square hole for hydrant sockets. A thumbscrew locks the 1-1/2" socket to the hydrant nut. These ratcheting wrenches are faster and less likely to damage nuts. A second benefit to the ratchet feature is removing hose and pumper caps that are in close proximity to the ground. Instead of having to remove and reposition a regular hydrant wrench, simply ratchet the wrench and complete the task.
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Associated Products:
5 Star Diffuser Hitch & Hose
- Fiberglass Hydrant Marker - Side Mount
- Fire Hydrant Disc
- Fiberglass Hydrant Marker - Top Mount